Monday, June 18, 2007

Thinx 57: Catalyst #2

Another reason why I'm part of Riverton Baptist Church's Catalyst group:

What do you do when carers don't care? What do you do when government agencies no longer work out of love and respect, but instead treat people as an inconvenience, a burden to which the barest minimum of care is to be given, so that a box can be ticked and a pay-packet collected? How do you seek, and actually get, justice for the poor, the widow, the orphan and the immigrant? What do you do when people suffer injustice, not just at the global level, but also at the national, and community levels? How can issues of unfair treatment be addressed in a way that is appropriate but also effective?

I went to the
Catalyst training because I was interested in the global issues. But I also went because I wanted to find out if Catalyst's methods could also be used to make a difference at the community level. I have found that the methods work across the board.

Do you want to make a difference now, and for eternity? Consider

© Copyright Bruce M. Axtens, 2007

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Bruce.

With regards to your question about how to get justice to the poor, orphaned, etc., I think to the extent that we are CALLED to do it, whatever that is, it should be modeled after the New Testament.

To me, experience in time as shown that governments, organizations, and companies will not do it.

Governments are governments, organizations tend toward being at LEAST as worried about self-perpetuation as they do the cause they are supposed to be helping, and companies are only interested in profits.

My view on this is that I'm called to a New Testament response and that's ALL I'm called to do. That means, for me, working in a local context and through a local organization.

Thanks for letting me spout off.